Bringing home the tree from Appleton Christmas Barn

Choosing the tree is one of those magical Christmas moments. In the dimness of a December afternoon we head off down the country lanes from the house to Hengrove Farm on the edge of Appleton in West Oxfordshire. Full of anticipation, we know we are in for a treat.
It may not look promising from the outside, but each year this unassuming agricultural building is transformed into a wonderland of magic and sparkle – Appleton Christmas Barn – festive enough to brighten the dullest of winter days.
There are Christmas trees of every type and size, from the needle-retaining Nordman Firs and Scots Pines to traditional Norway Spruce, and the pretty Serbian and Blue varieties. The smell is divine.
Tucked away in a corner, behind a forest of trees and banks of hay bales, the Barn’s resident reindeer snooze peacefully.
Reindeer admired, and tree chosen, it’s on to the decorations – an Aladdin’s cave packed full of bright baubles and glistening trinkets. There are tree ornaments and garlands, fairy lights and lanterns, ribbons and wrapping paper – all under one roof.
The Christmas Barn’s helpful and friendly staff will carry your chosen tree to your car. And having selected one or two new decorations (an annual tradition) we’re off back home for mince pies and mulled wine. Let the decorating begin!
Images by Helen Duncan